New Jersey in the American Revolution

History of
New Jersey
Colonial period
American Revolution
Nineteenth century
Twentieth Century
Twenty-first Century

As the location of many major battles, New Jersey was pivotal in the American Revolution and the ultimate victory of the American colonists. The important role New Jersey played earned it the titles of "Crossroads of the Revolution" and the "Military Capital of the Revolution".

Not all of the population of New Jersey advocated for independence; Governor William Franklin, the illegitimate son of Benjamin Franklin, was a loyalist who supported the Stamp Act. Many of the colonists had emigrated from England and felt a sense of loyalty to the King of England and the English government. On January 8, 1776, Governor Franklin was arrested for opposing the Revolution. Others such as slaves joined sides with the British in return for promises of freedom. For example, Colonel Tye was a slave who escaped and joined the British army, leading constant raids against the people of New Jersey.[1]

Throughout the Revolutionary War, there were many clashes between the Americans and British within the colony of New Jersey. In total, there were 296 engagements that occurred within New Jersey, more clashes than occurred in any other colony in the Revolutionary War.


Prewar tensions

Following the French and Indian War, tensions erupted between the Americans and the British, in part, over who should pay for the war that resulted in the immense territorial gains for the British with their conquest of Quebec and French Canada. After Parliament issued the Sugar Act, the Stamp Act, and the Tea Act, furious protests and outbreaks occurred. One such outbreak occurred in Greenwich Township, New Jersey in Cumberland County.[2] On December 22, 1774, a group of 40 colonists entered the cellar of loyalist Dan Bowen and quickly stole and burned chests of tea.

Declaration of Independence

New Jersey representatives Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon, Francis Hopkinson, John Hart, and Abraham Clark were among the men who signed the United States Declaration of Independence. These men, just like all the others, took tremendous risks in order to fight for independence and all went on to serve their newly founded country for the rest of their lives. Distinguished lawyer Richard Stockton, New Jersey-born and College of New Jersey graduate, sacrificed his royal judicial title and his considerable international economic interest in order to be an elected delegate for New Jersey at the General Congress. John Witherspoon was a Scottish immigrant. He came to New Jersey to serve as the sixth president of the College of New Jersey. He was a world renowned Presbyterian minister and became a leading member of the Continental Congress. Witherspoon went on to become one of the leaders of the new national Presbyterian church. Francis Hopkinson was somewhat of a renaissance man for his time. He was articulate in several fields of the arts and a very impressive scientist. Perhaps the capstone of his career was his appointment by President George Washington to the federal bench. John Hart was a prominent landowner and judge of the Hunterdon County court. Like Stockton, he sacrificed his high standing with the royal court and dedicated his life to the New Jersey Assembly. After signing the Declaration of Independence, he went on to become the speaker of the New Jersey Assembly. The last of the men, Abraham Clark, was native to Elizabethtown. He was slightly different from his fellow New Jersey representatives as he jumped from job to job working as a farmer, surveyor, transporter, legal adviser, and finally politician. He was well liked in all these fields and had become a prominent member of society, but he found his home in government. He held numerous political positions at all the various levels of government.


Besides being the location of several important battles, New Jersey was also helpful in disrupting British supply units. Forts on the Delaware River could attack British supply troops as they sailed to Philadelphia. Men in whaleboats crossed the Hudson and raided New York City and Long Island, and captured shipping in the Sandy Hook staging area outside New York Harbor. Ships based in south Jersey ports raided British shipping at sea. New Jersey also had several ironworks that provide iron and iron products, such as cannon, for the war effort, besides its food production. The Ford family in Morristown ran a black powder mill that supplied needed powder for the early war effort. The Continental army encamped three years in New Jersey, in the winters of 1777 at Morristown, 1778-79 at Middlebrook (near Bound Brook), and in 1780 again at Morristown. Large parts of the Continental forces wintered in other years in NJ. Raids from British held New York City across the Hudson into New Jersey happened very frequently. The British sent men into New Jersey looking for supplies, firewood, cattle, horses, sheep and pigs, and looking to capture leading patriots. Despite the many battles that were fought in New Jersey, the state only sent 62 of its own to fight.


Battle of Fort Lee

The war did not start well for the Continental Army. After difficult losses in the Battle of Brooklyn, General George Washington led his troops towards Manhattan with the British in pursuit. On November 16, 1776, Fort Washington, at the northern tip of Manhattan Island, fell to the British.

On November 19, 1776, British soldiers under Charles Cornwallis captured Fort Lee after a hasty retreat by the American soldiers stationed there under the command of General Nathanael Greene. After gaining control of the Manhattan area, the British ferried up the Hudson River in barges. Washington had dashed off to warn the Americans about the advancing British, and the fort was evacuated. Much equipment and supplies were captured by the British.

On November 20, 1776, Washington led his 2,000 troops from Fort Lee in a retreat through present-day Englewood and Teaneck across the Hackensack River at New Bridge Landing. Washington continued his retreat through early December, passing through Princeton on way to the Delaware River.

Ten crucial days

The Ten Crucial Days were ten days at the end of December 1776 and the first week of January 1777, where several decisive battles were fought between the Continental Army under George Washington and the British army, mostly under Charles Cornwallis. George Washington had been unsuccessful previously against the British because the American soldiers enlisted in 30 day periods, after which many refused to reenlist. This was exacerbated by the poor living conditions Washington's troops had to endure. Washington badly needed a victory to prove his army's hope of winning and thus boost morale.

On Christmas night 1776, the Continental Army under the command of General George Washington made their famous crossing of the Delaware River. They took the Hessians stationed in Trenton by surprise; the Hessians were not prepared for an attack during a bad storm. In the ensuing Battle of Trenton, the Continental Army crushed the Hessians. The Americans attacked in groups, one down the two main streets from the North east, the other along the river road. The American cannons denied the Hessians the ability to form up in the streets. The Hessians unsuccessfully attempted to retreat and were completely surrounded by the Continental Army. As a result of the battle, the Americans captured nearly 900 Hessian soldiers within 90 minutes. In addition, they took the supplies that had been placed in Trenton for use by the British army. George Washington then had the soldiers recross safely back into Pennsylvania. George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River was immortalized in Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze's painting Washington Crossing the Delaware.[3] It is also displayed on the New Jersey State Quarter. The battle helped to increase the waning confidence of the Continental Congress.

On January 3, 1777, the Continental Army defeated the British army under General Charles Cornwallis at the Battle of Princeton. Cornwallis had hoped to engage Washington's army at Trenton after George Washington recrossed the Delaware River, resulting in the Second Battle of Trenton. Cornwallis's initial results were failures. After recapturing Trenton, he ordered charges on defenses fortified by Washington at Assunpink Creek. The Americans, from their defenses, fired volleys at the advancing troops, striking heavy casualties in the British army. Later that night, General Washington moved the majority of his army on a surprise attack upon British troops stationed at Princeton. At the same time, he left a few troops to stall Cornwallis by creating false signals (campfires, loud noises, fortification repair) to give the impression that the Continental Army was still stationed in Trenton.

The initial contact at Princeton was between General Hugh Mercer's advance corp moving toward the Stoney Brook along Quaker Bridge road, against British Col. Mawhood, who was leading most of the 55th regiment and other additional troops toward Trenton. As Mawhood crossed the Stoney Brook, both sides spotted the other. Both sides moved to a nearby hill above the Princeton Road (now 206). Mawhood opened fire as the Americans came over the ridge, and followed with a bayonet charge. Mercer's men, armed mostly with rifles, were driven off, and Mercer was wounded by bayonets (he died several days later). More American militia moved up to engage Mercer, while another column led by General Sullivan moved on the town from the south.

The advancing Militia were also repelled by Mawhood's regiment, although Mawhood was outnumbered 3 or 4 to one, but he and his men stood steadfast. Washington himself lead up more Continentals and encouraged the militia to return to the fight. After a few volleys Mawhood was forced to retreat across the Stoney Brook.

After driving in a detachment of the 55th regiment, Sullivan marched into Princeton. Most of the remaining British forces retreated toward New Brunswick, but some took up a defensive position in the stone university building, Nassau Hall.

The Americans set up cannons facing Nassau Hall of Princeton University, and two cannonballs made contact with the walls of the hall. The British soldiers at Princeton were soon forced to surrender to the Americans, and Nassau Hall was recaptured. Cornwallis immediately moved to bring his army to engage Washington. This attempt failed due to a delaying force which damaged the Stoney Point Bridge and delayed the British. These two victories, and the resulting resurgence of the militias from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York and Connecticut, forced the British out of most of New Jersey, boosting the morale of the Americans. The British were soon forced into an enclave around New Brunswick, giving up the rest of New Jersey."[4]

The attempt of the British to show the Americans they could not fight the British army had failed. The British now realized it would be a long war.

Battle of Millstone

Also known as the battle of Van Nest's Mills, the Battle of Millstone occurred on January 20, 1777. Following the battle of Princeton, Washington's soldiers traveled north following the Millstone River to Somerset Court House (now Millstone, New Jersey), then proceeded to Morristown.

From New Brunswick, a British foraging party of a few hundred men also went to Somerset Court House, reaching Van Nest’s Mill (present day Manville, New Jersey). After seizing flour and livestock, the British unit set up defenses on the Millstone River, including 3 cannons. The militia posted in the area managed to surprise the British party by crossing the cold, waist deep, river and capture many men and to seize back the supplies.

General Dickinson Raritan, New Jersey, January 23: "I have the pleasure to inform you that on Monday last with about 450 men chiefly our militia I attacked a foraging party near V. Nest Mills consisting of 500 men with 2 field pieces, which we routed after an engagement of 20 minutes and brought off 107 horses, 49 wagons, 115 cattle, 70 sheep, 40 barrels of flour - 106 bags and many other things, 49 prisoners."[5]

Battle of Bound Brook

The Battle of Bound Brook resulted in a shallow defeat of the Americans stationed at Bound Brook, New Jersey on April 13, 1777. A four prong attack by 4,000 British upon Bound Brook ensued, and the Americans, who defeat a fierce resistance at first, retreated. Around 60 casualties occurred on the American sides, while only a single British soldier was killed. On the same day, Nathanael Greene recaptured Bound Brook, but George Washington realized the difficulty of defending the place.

Battle of Short Hills

After advancing to Millstone, New Jersey, in June 1777, General Howe found that Washington would not move his army out of the strong position on the Watchung Mountains north of Middlebrook. Planning to attack Philadelphia, but unable to go safely through New Jersey with its militia nipping away at his men, he had to move his men back to New Brunswick to board shipping.

As the British forces moved back, Washington had some generals move forward, looking for an opportunity to attack a weakened foe. When General Lord Stirling had moved his men to the Short Hills area, suddenly the hunter became the hunted when Howe sent a larger force to attack them.

The Americans, though hard pressed, managed to avoid being mangled or destroyed and fought a delaying battle while most of the American force escaped the trap.

Washington, who had finally moved out of the Watchung Mountains, moved back and ordered his commands around New Brunswick to do the same.

With the Americans moved away from his boarding troops, Howe was able to put his men aboard ships and abandon New Jersey in relative security. The British left New Brunswick and Staten Island to later attack Philadelphia.[6]


Battle of Monmouth

In 1777, the British retreated to New York City to protect it from an expected French attack. Washington quickly ordered his soldiers to march towards the British and met them at the Battle of Monmouth.

On June 28, 1778, the Continental Army under George Washington met a British column under Sir Henry Clinton. George Washington hoped to surprise the rear of the British army and overwhelm them. General Charles Lee led the American attack on the British rear but retreated quickly when the British attempted to flank the Americans. The retreat nearly led to massive disorder, but Washington managed to personally rally the troops to withstand the British counterattacks. The British attempted two attacks to defeat the Americans; both failed. As exceedingly high temperatures continued to increase over 100 °F (38 °C), many soldiers fell to sunstroke. After the battle, Charles Lee was court martialed for his poor army command. Over 1,000 British casualties were incurred; the Americans lost about 452 men. This battle inspired the legend of Molly Pitcher.[7]

Baylor Massacre

The Baylor Massacre was an attack on September 27, 1778 upon the 3rd Regiment of Continental Light Dragoons under the command of Colonel George Baylor during the American Revolutionary War. It occurred in the present day town of River Vale, New Jersey. During the night, they were betrayed by loyalists, who informed the British of their location. Using bayonets, the British killed, injured, or took as prisoners 67 of the dragoons.


Battle of Paulus Hook

Paulus Hook was a peninsula at what is now Jersey City, and a major landing point for anyone going from New York City into New Jersey. Since it was on the Hudson River, the British fleet was able to protect it. The British used it to send raiders into Bergen County. Militia tried to stand guard to prevent or harass these raiders.

The Battle of Paulus Hook was fought on August 19, 1779, between Colonial and British forces. The patriots were led by Light Horse Harry Lee, and launched a night attack on the British-controlled fort. They surprised the British, taking several prisoners, but had to withdraw before daylight when the British navy could react. The fort continued to be used as a base of operations against Bergen County patriots.


The Battle of Connecticut Farms

On June 6, 1780, British troops boarded boats on Staten Island bound for Elizabeth, New Jersey. At midnight, 5,000 troops started to land. They expected the Continental Army to give little resistance, believing that they were tired of the war and were poorly fed and paid. They also expected the citizens of New Jersey to welcome them. They were wrong on both counts.

Once they began to march into Elizabeth, they were attacked by Lt. Ogden, who was stationed to give an alarm outside of town with a small group of men. Ogden had orders to fire one volley and retreat. That volley wounded British General Stirling in the thigh, and delayed the advance several hours.

The New Jersey Brigade of the Continental Army, in and around Elizabeth, moved back toward Connecticut Farms, now Union Township, New Jersey, sending word to Morristown to the main army under Washington. The New Jersey brigade was heavily outnumbered. The warnings to the militia also went out, and they began to form up and march toward the British from as far away as Hopewell, New Jersey.

When the British did advance, they were attacked by the militia on the flanks. This drew off significant portions of their forces to protect their supply line and route of travel.

General Maxwell, commanding the New Jersey Brigade, set up a defense at defiles on the road to Connecticut Farms. After a day of hot fighting, the British realized they could not easily breakthrough toward the Hobart Gap leading to Morristown, and, after burning the town, retired back to Elizabeth point.

Battle of Springfield

The last major battle to take place in New Jersey and the rest of the Northern states during the Revolutionary War was the Battle of Springfield. Baron von Knyphausen, the Hessian general, hoped to invade New Jersey and expected support from the colonists of New Jersey who were tired of the war. His goal was to secure Hobart Gap, from which he could attack the American headquarters situated in Morristown. On June 23, 1780, the British attacked soldiers and militia under the command of Nathanael Greene. General Greene successfully stopped a two-pronged attack from positions held across the Rahway River. The victory prevented a British attack on Morristown and its military stores.

Support and encouragement generated by newspaper

The New Jersey Journal became the second newspaper published in the state. It was edited and printed by Shepard Kollock, who established his press in Chatham during 1779. This paper became a catalyst in the revolution. News of events regarding the war came directly to the editor from Washington's headquarters in nearby Morristown to boost the morale of the troops and their families, and as editor, he conducted lively debates about the efforts for independence with those who opposed and supported the cause he championed. Kollock later relocated the paper twice, first to New Brunswick when the military action shifted there, and later in 1785, when he established his last publication location in Elizabeth under the same name. The Journal ceased publication in 1992.

Original New Jersey State Constitution

In 1776, the first New Jersey State Constitution was drafted. It was written during the period of the Revolutionary War, and was designed to create a basic framework for the state government. The constitution recognized the right of suffrage for women and black men who met certain property requirements. The New Jersey Constitution of 1776 gives the vote to "all inhabitants of this Colony, of full age, who are worth fifty pounds proclamation money." This included blacks, spinsters, and widows. (Married women could not own property under the common law.) It had been held that this was an accident of hasty drafting: the British were at Staten Island when the constitution was proclaimed. The Constitution declares itself temporary, and it was to be void if there was reconciliation with Great Britain.[8]

Both sides in elections mocked the other for relying on "petticoat electors" and each accused the other of letting unqualified women (including married women) vote. A Federalist legislature passed a voting rights act which applied only to those counties where the Federalists were strong. A Democratic legislature extended it to the entire state. In 1807, as a side-effect of a reconciliation within the Democratic Party, the legislature reinterpreted the constitution (which had been an ordinary act of the Provincial Congress) to mean universal white male suffrage, with no property requirement. However, they disenfranchised paupers, to suppress the Irish vote.

After the war

In the summer of 1783, the Continental Congress met in Nassau Hall of Princeton University. It had originally convened in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but mutinous troops prevented the meeting from taking place there. Princeton became the temporary capital for the newly independent nation through these four months. During the brief stay in Princeton, the Continental Congress was informed of the end of the war by the signing of the Treaty of Paris on September 3, 1783. The chief dignitary of the meeting was George Washington, and a portrait was made of Washington during the meeting. On December 18, 1787, New Jersey became the third state to ratify the Constitution. On November 20, 1789, New Jersey became the first state in the nation to ratify the Bill of Rights.

New Jersey played a principal role in the creating the structure of the new United States Government. When Virginia delegates came up with the Virginia Plan, which called for representation in government proportional to the population of each state, the smaller states refused, fearing that with such a plan they would no longer have a say in government affairs. William Paterson, a New Jersey statesman, introduced the New Jersey Plan by which one vote would be given to each state, providing equal representation within the legislative body. Under the Great Compromise, both plans were placed into use with two separate bodies in the Congress, with the Senate being modeled after the structure in the New Jersey Plan.

See also

Notes and references

  1. ^ Streissguth, Thomas (2002). New Jersey. San Diego: Lucent Books, Inc. ISBN 1-56006-872-8.
  2. ^ Greenwich Tea Burning: 1774, retrieved January 4, 2006
  3. ^ It is believed by historians that the painting is not historically accurate. In the painting, George Washington stands up, but the stormy conditions and the extremely small size of the boat would have prevented him from standing up without causing the boat to topple over. Also, the flag displayed on the painting was designed in 1777, after George Washington's 1776 Delaware River crossing. For a complete argument against the historical aspects of the painting, see Washington Crossing the Delaware.
  4. ^ Valis, Glenn. The Battle of Princeton, accessed September 20, 2006
  5. ^ Valis, Glenn. The Battle of Millstone, accessed March 12, 2006.
  6. ^ The Battle of Bound Brook by Weldon Monsport, retrieved January 24, 2006
  7. ^ The different tales that related to Molly Pitcher (whose real name is Mary Hays McCauly) tales are now regarded by most historians as folklore rather than history, though real women did actually inspire these stories.
  8. ^ Klinghoffer and Elkis. "The Petticoat Electors: Women’s Suffrage in New Jersey, 1776–1807." Journal of the Early Republic, 12, no. 2 (1992): 159–193.

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